Your Stress-Free Wedding Morning Routine

It’s finally here - you wake up on wedding day full of joy, and if we’re honest, maybe some jitters. Starting the day off right is our greatest piece of advice to ensuring you can be present for all the day will bring. We have three tried and true pieces of wisdom for brides and grooms.

1. Get Plenty of Sleep

So maybe this one sounds obvious, but the way your wake up on wedding day has a lot to do with how well you slumbered. This is not the time to skip your bedtime routine! Make the time to wind down from your rehearsal dinner or welcome party with 30 minutes of reflection, followed by your favorite skincare routine, and a healthy dose of hydration. Skip the scrolling for the night and instead opt into one of our favorite bedtime podcasts, Nothing Much Happens. Sleep will find you in no time.

2. Opt for a Productive Start

When your alarm goes off, resist the urge to lounge in bed, and instead opt for a quick walk or stretch session, followed by a hot shower set to the background of your favorite song (we’re partial to Beyonce and Calvin Harris.) Ensure all the items you’ll need for the day are set out and ready to go, then make a beeline to fueling your body with your favorite breakfast. Skip the bird food here and make sure your meal is satisfying.

3. Surround Yourself with Your People

Whether you and your partner have opted for a wedding party comprised of two, or each of you have many people standing beside you, spending the morning in the company of those you love is priceless. The memories you’ll create and share forever are just as precious as those that will be created after your dressed and heading to meet your person at the altar.

Victoria Marcouillier

Victoria is a wife, mother, and the owner of BrandWell Designs. BrandWell exists to help entrepreneurs and small business owners level up their business with a stunning online presence.

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